الأحد، 9 فبراير 2014

How To Avoid Getting Into Identity Theft Trouble

The credit card industry seems to be growing at an unprecedented rate. According to some statistical reports, the average American household has at least one credit card. In fact, from the total respondents in the survey, 81% of the households have at least one credit card.

This goes to show that more and more people are enticed to get their own credit card. The reasons for doing so are based on the fact that credit cards offer extreme cashless shopping convenience. Hence, everybody seems to be motivated to get at least one credit card.

However, the travails of the credit card industry do not end here. This is because the reality that evolves on the credit cards does not just depend on the way people use credit cards but with the way on how they use it and protect themselves.

What people do not realize is that the manner on how they use their credit cards can greatly affect the way they live. For instance, frauds and fraudulent activities are very prevalent in the industry and the best targets of the culprits are those who use credit cards whenever they are into shopping. 

People should take note that one of the most prevalent credit card scams in the society today is the identity theft. In fact, it has been reported by the FBI that almost 350,000 up to 500,000 cases of identity theft are known to exist in the U.S. every single year.

Basically, identity theft is when some unscrupulous people try to get some information from you such as your social security number and other pertinent personal and financial data.

These sets of information are used deceitfully by these people for their own benefits. Hence, the poor victim does not realize that his identity was stolen and that his financial future is doomed.

For this reason, it is important to know how to avoid getting into trouble. Here is how:

1. Protect your personal data and any financial information

Never entertain phone calls that require you to give any personal data or information, even if the caller says he is from the bank that issued your credit card and that the information gathering is just some sort of verifications.

If this is the case, try to inform him that you wish to do the transactions personally. Hence, it is important to very if the caller is, indeed, a representative of the bank.

2. Avoid freebies and offers that involve credit cards

If you were offered with some promotions requiring you to give some personal information, then, it would be better not to entertain the promo at all.

Things like these will only entice you to try it. In the end, it is too late to realize that you have just been a victim of an identity theft.

3. Have a regular check up on your credit standing and bills

Most of credit card holders are so lazy to do regular check ups on their status. If you do this, it will be easier for you to detect any probable identity theft case on your part. Credit reports can definitely tell you if there were purchases that you know that you did not make.

4. Do not carry them around

The problem with most people is that they ten to carry their cards wherever they are. This is a bad habit that should be stopped. You will never know what will happen while you are in a public place, where identity theft could just be lurking around, waiting for its next victim.

The bottom line is that credit card users should be responsible enough not to allow these fraudulent activities to happen. Keep in mind that the reason why these kinds of frauds exist is that there are people who are unconsciously victimized every now and then.

Why Not To Start Using Cgi Proxy Sites

Everyone now these days is concerned with protecting their personal information form prying eyes on the web. With the continuing increase cases of stealing personal web identities, many people have been misdirected about what information needs to be hidden on line and the best way to achieve a more secure Internet environment. One of the most common ideas is that when you start using cgi proxy sites the security level increases.

CGI Proxy sites work by very quickly and effectively relaying web page request for users to web sites and back. The CGI Proxy script relays your information without ever revealing exactly who you are. So you are anonymous to the web site you are visiting. This is done in a near seamless manor with the user only seeing a small advertising bar on top of the page. This information is going in both directions with the web site server talking to the server hosting the CGI proxy site. The website server does not know your location (IP address), browser type, language settings, cannot set cookies on your computer and Javascripts may be restricted. 

What most users do not realize is that the cgi proxy server keeps a log of all the activity including web pages visited, user names, passwords, addresses, credit card numbers or anything else a person enters in in the web pages surfed through a cgi proxy. This treasure of data is exactly what people want to hide on the Internet but by using a CGI Proxy site you have just delivered the information to the CGI Proxy site owwner. 

In 99% of cases the web site being visited should be more reliable and secure than a web based cgi proxy service. For example visiting Yahoo mail from a new fast running CGI Proxy site, Yahoo is less likely to criminally use provided information collected from its websites combined with the knowledge of your location and browser type than a small website operator hosting a free CGI Proxy script. While logging into your yahoo account and not revealing your location (IP) to yahoo may sound positive, the price you pay is sharing all of your information including passwords with the CGI proxy site owner.

Credit card information, addresses, contacts or any other information entered on a web form while surfing pages through a CGI Proxy site are also available in the server logs. Don’t take the unneeded risk with your personal information, DO NOT USE WEBBASED CGI PROXY SITES FOR ANONYMITY.

CGI Proxy sites do have evolved into a leading way to bypass network website filters that block specific sites. just be sure that you know the risk involved in checking your hotmail from work or looking at your myspace profile at school. This is a leading source of hijacked profiles for these sites.

الاثنين، 28 فبراير 2011

Mobile numbers, addresses on Facebook 'a security risk'

A security expert has warned that users should remove their home addresses and phone numbers from their Facebook accounts. Graham Cluley said the website now gives third parties access to that information. The website said in a blog post at the weekend that it would give developers of applications access to the contact information of users who install their apps. "These permissions must be explicitly granted to your application by the user via our standard permissions dialogs. Please note that these permissions only provide access to a user's address and mobile phone number, not their friend's addresses or mobile phone numbers," the Sydney Morning Herald quoted Facebook's Jeff Bowen as saying. However, Sophos security expert Cluley, has raised doubts over the move. "You have to ask yourself - is Facebook putting the safety of its 500+ million users as a top priority with this move?" he said."It won't take long for scammers to take advantage of this new facility, to use for their own criminal ends." Cluley advised that users should take personal info such as home addresses and mobile numbers off their pages. "You can imagine, for instance, that bad guys could set up a rogue app that collects mobile phone numbers and then uses that information for the purposes of SMS spamming or sells on the data to cold-calling companies," he said. (ANI) A security expert has warned that users should remove their home addresses and phone numbers from their Facebook accounts. Graham Cluley said the website now gives third parties access to that information. The website said in a blog post at the weekend that it would give developers of applications access to the contact information of users who install their apps. "These permissions must be explicitly granted to your application by the user via our standard permissions dialogs. Please note that these permissions only provide access to a user's address and mobile phone number, not their friend's addresses or mobile phone numbers," the Sydney Morning Herald quoted Facebook's Jeff Bowen as saying. However, Sophos security expert Cluley, has raised doubts over the move. "You have to ask yourself - is Facebook putting the safety of its 500+ million users as a top priority with this move?" he said. "It won't take long for scammers to take advantage of this new facility, to use for their own criminal ends." Cluley advised that users should take personal info such as home addresses and mobile numbers off their pages. "You can imagine, for instance, that bad guys could set up a rogue app that collects mobile phone numbers and then uses that information for the purposes of SMS spamming or sells on the data to cold-calling companies," he said.

Lean how websites get down by a DDOS attack

Now i will show you how you can flood a website with Denial of service attack. For this tutorial we will be using one of the most effective and one of the least known tools called "Low Orbit Ion Cannon", created by Anonymous members from 4chan.org, this program is one of the best for DDoS'ing, and I have successfully used it to DDoS websites. An internet connection as bad as mine (2,500 kb/s) was able to keep a site down for a day with thisprogram running. Remember that this tool will work best with high internet speeds, and try not to go for impossible targets (like Google, Myspace,Yahoo). LOIC is used on a single computer, but with friends it's enough to give sites a great deal of downtime.

Prerequisites: Download LOIC (Low Orbit Ion Cannon). Open up LOIC.
(I am not giving a download link because then i will be accused for exiting hackers,try goggling).

Step 1: Type the target URL in the URL box.

Step 2: Click lock on.

Step 3: Change the threads to 9001 for maximum efficiency.

Step 4: Click the big button "IMMA FIRIN MAH LAZAR!"

Feel free to tweak around with these settings and play around with the program to get the best performance. Then minimize and go do whatever you need to do, the program will take care of the rest!

الأحد، 27 فبراير 2011

how to setup irc on windows

in this post i will told you how to join anonymous network    the network that is one of the powrefull hackersq group now you need some tools before starting :
$ a computer that will be open 24/7
$ the ability to port forward
$ an IRC client
$ a no-ip account
$ windows xp , 2000 , vista , windows 7
$ intrnet
Downloads and Guides
http://uploading.com/files/95mf3199/IRC%2Bserver%2Bsetup.rar HD Port Forward guide- http://www.hackforums.net/showthread.php?tid=363794 
No-IP Account
1. Go to http://www.no-ip.com/
2. Create a account
3. When you log in your account; click "Add a host"
4. For the hostname put a name you would like for your IRC server. Example: FederationCore.no-ip.biz or FederationCore.zapto.org, etc
5. Host type; leave as DNS Host(A)
6. Now click "create host"
7. Finish!
**The No-ip host name will convert your Ip address into a name. DNS(Domain name server). So instead of typing 92.556.345.89 for your serve

name; it is now XXX.no-ip.biz**

1. On the server computer, open IRCXpro.rar and mIRC.rar and extract it to the desktop
2. Open the IRCXpro 1.2 folder and open Initial.exe
3. Install the program.
4. Open ircxpro.1.2.1538.cracked-tsrh and extract the 5 files to the desktop.
5. Move the 5 files to where you installed IRCXpro. You should replace 2 of the orginial files from ircxpro.1.2.1538.cracked-tsrh.
6. After you have replace the two files, open Initial.exe.
7. Keep going until you have to fill out a form. Fill the form out. You can use Fake info.
8. You should now get a server configuration screen. For the server name put down your no-ip host name. (XXX.no-ip.biz)
9. Put anything you like in the description
10. Put any name for Operater name. This is your account to login in the server and the Operator for your server. Make sure to put down
something you will remember. This is VERY important.
11. Make any password up. Remember this! This is how you login your server! Very Important!
12. Message of the day: Put anything you want.
13. YAY! An error! Press cancel. If your firewall asks if you want IRCXpro press okay.
14. Now open ircxreg.exe. This should now crack IRCXpro!
15. Boosh! Now look in your taskbar. You should see the IRCXpro icon
16. Double click on the icon then put in the username and password and then login! Once your logged in, your server should be running! We still have a little while to go.
mIRC 6.34:
1. The steps are in the download.

Configuring the server
There are about 20 pictures. Thought it would be easier to upload to a site. Comment if you have a question!
Download is in the download section!
Don't forget, you can minimze the IRC server window to the taskbar!

Port forwarding
Oh shit. What so many of us have problems with. Another HD guide is in process. For the mean time, your going to need to scavenge for help
until the next HD guide is out.In order to connect to your IRC server, you server will need to be excepting incoming connections. So we must port forward. Good luck!

1. Remember this picture?
The port that is circled is the port we need to open.
2. Port forward that port
3. Once you think it is open, go to http://www.canyouseeme.org/ and check your port. If it is open, you are almost ready for your private
IRC server! If it is closed, go back, take your time, take a deep breath and try something new!

Remember. If your port is not open, you cannot host a IRC server. Some tips for now. Make sure your IRC server is running when you check to see if your ports are open. Check your router, modem, Anti-virus, and firewall!

Connecting to the correct IP address
1. If you are connecting to your server on the computer running the server, use address
2. If you are connecting to your server though a different computer, but you are using the same network, use the private addresses.
Addresses that begin with 192.168, or 10.0, or 172.16 are called private addresses. These addresses are only used for traffic on your local LAN.
3. If you are connecting to your server though a different computer, but on a entirely different network, use your No-ip account!!

Configuring mIRC
The hard part is almost over! You are almost there!
1. Open up Noscript(its the tricked out mIRC)
2. Go to file>new server
3. Add
4. Description: Optional
5. IRC server: Connect to either, your private address, or your no-ip account. Go to "Connecting to the correct IP address" if
you don't know which one.
6. Password: The password you put for server. Picture 5 from the config.

 7. It should look something like this. Look how i used It shows i was on a different computer, but in the same network. You
must adjust according to how you are connected and which computer you are using.
 8. now select "select" and hit connect! If it ask for a name, e-mail, just put in stuff. I will get to that in a second.
9 NINJA!!! Hopefully it should say "Welcome to IRC..."
10. Now connect to the IRC channel we made for our bots! Picture 11 from the config download. In order to connect to our channel press
11. Now a message should pop up saying it is protected by a password. Type the password in12. Type the password and you are in my friend!

However, its funny how your not a OP in your own IRC server. OP's have all power. They can change settings from mIRC and are not limited by rules like a regular user would have.

13. Disconnect from your server.
14. Go to file>select server
15. Name: Put what ever
16. E-mail address: *@* VERY important.
 17. Nickname: Put it the same as your IRC OP that connects to your server
18. Alternative: Optional
19: Invisible: I would also turn this on
20. To become OP TypePassword would be the same as your OP that connects to your server
Example: /oper legym IhearEmma
21. You should now have become a IRC OP in your new private server!

Why do I need a computer 24/7:
The reason i said you want one is because you want to be able to connect to your bots when ever you want. If you keep turning off the server, your bots will not reconnect until they restart the computer. Having a server that is on all the time is more convienient.

Is it good to host my own server at home:
Yes and No. Hosting your own server at home leaves a direct path to you! So it is much easier to be traced. However, if you do not DDoS anything, you should be fine.

How big is to big:
Do not try to run a massive botnet on a home server. Doing so will drag your bandwidth down. There is also a higher chance of being caught as well.

الجمعة، 25 فبراير 2011

learn how to hack using login spoofer

login spoofer is one of the easiest hacking tools that u dont have to be good at programming language like c++ or php now i will show you how to do it
1) http://www.weebly.com/uploads/6/3/1/3/6313133/login_spoofer.zip first download the programm from here
 2)open the programm and accept the term of use like the pic below

 3)now register yourself
 4) now copy your ID below and paste it in the first box then write your name in the second box
 5)repaste ur ID in this box after registration
 6)now this opened page you will find ur victims just choose the fake page and create it then send it to your victims once he logged in refresh the program and u will find his password
 7) this is an example for the programm after hacking

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learn how to hack

many people hear about hacking and security tips so they are rady to download any tools to their computer ingoal to hack some passwords but they have been hacked so in this bloogger i will post some tools and hackingtrick hope that you enjoy :))))