الجمعة، 25 فبراير 2011

learn how to hack using login spoofer

login spoofer is one of the easiest hacking tools that u dont have to be good at programming language like c++ or php now i will show you how to do it
1) http://www.weebly.com/uploads/6/3/1/3/6313133/login_spoofer.zip first download the programm from here
 2)open the programm and accept the term of use like the pic below

 3)now register yourself
 4) now copy your ID below and paste it in the first box then write your name in the second box
 5)repaste ur ID in this box after registration
 6)now this opened page you will find ur victims just choose the fake page and create it then send it to your victims once he logged in refresh the program and u will find his password
 7) this is an example for the programm after hacking

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